Reimagine your Manufacturing Practices using Custom Objects & System Transactions.
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Greg Carls Alex Carls Doug Liljegren

In a process manufacturing environment, it can be difficult to align your unique processes with most ERP software systems. Join Greg & Alex Carls as they explain the difference between process & discrete manufacturing. They’ll delve into how they integrated custom objects, flows, and system transactions using Rootstock on the Salesforce platform to overcome these manufacturing practices that come with a batch process environment. Be prepared to embrace the future of manufacturing by learning how adaptable practices can propel your business toward sustained growth and operational excellence.

Location Name
Gravier B
Full Address
New Orleans Marriot Warehouse Arts District
859 Convention Center Blv
New Orleans, LA 70130
United States
Session Type
Business Track